Running SLAM in the cloud


Running SLAM in the cloud

Viam authorizes the SLAM Service, which allows your robot to create a map of its surroundings and find its location within that map.

Previously, you can only run the SLAM cartographer service on the robot instead of running it on the cloud. With this project, not only is the user able to run SLAM cartographer in the cloud, but also view a table of their existing maps and update if necessary.

This project was done in cross collaboration with the Viam SLAM engineers and soon to be deployed on App.

Why is it important that SLAM cartographers can be run in the cloud?

The authorization of SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) cartographer services in the cloud by Viam represents a pivotal advancement in robotics, offering numerous advantages over traditional, robot-only operations.

  • Cloud-based operations enabled greater processing power and efficiency, allowing cartographer mapping tasks to be performed more rapidly.

  • Ensuring scalability, with larger maps and more intricate environments being allowed to be accessible from the cloud at any time.

  • Centralized management, facilitating easy access and updates to maps from any location and from any robot, which is beneficial in environments where multiple robots are deployed.

laying the ground work

Taking a first pass at designing possible user workflows

(scroll horizontally to see flow)

design ideation

Wireframes passed to developers

Viam uses Configuration and Control cards for their services. Adhering to the visual design of current Config and Control cards, this is what I designed for the SLAM cloud story.

Configuration card for updating an existing map:
Remote control card for making a new map on the cloud
Viewing a list of SLAM maps a user has on cloud

(scroll horizontally to see flow)

Last updated on July 20, 2024, 5:46 PM EST